my unity journey |
![]() $ 16 USD
Attention Unity/New-Thought Friends...Anyone who likes to Journal / Doodle / Dream...
"my unity journey" prayer and gratitude journal
You can use it as a journal or planner - about 200 pages worth of space just waiting for your creative expression!
Write - Doodle - Draw - Color!
This very Special Edition journal is perfect for writing down your gratitudes, prayers, dreams, plans, goals, master-minding steps, ANYTHING that helps you express the desires and dreams of your heart!
Lots of space for writing and extra "color comfort" pages created just for coloring and doodling!
This prayer and gratitude journal was created especially for UNITY OF SPRINGFIELD, with all proceeds benefiting UoS.
ORDERS now being taken - only $16 each - contact me for details or contact the office at Unity of Springfield.
Please allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.
The Boondoggler's Bible |
![]() $ 14 USDFighting “city hall” is no fun. If you’ve ever had a legal encounter with a government agency—be it city, county, state or federal—you know how frustrating bureaucratic red tape can be. You can’t change city hall, whether you are trying to do business with it or are employed by it, but you can change your attitude. A positive attitude can stave off broken relationships, premature stroke or even death due to unnecessary agency-induced frustration. This little book is the result of my own survival technique, and I hope it helps you win against city hall in your own case. This is a general overall look at standard operating delay tactics known as boondoggles, so you must creatively adapt your own approach to fit your own problems and situation. Boondoggles are not confined to city hall. Such stall-and-delay techniques are operable on all levels of society, including in one’s personal family life. They are summarized by the old advice given by experts on etiquette about answering ticklish questions: Don’t say yes; don’t say no; say maybe—and then never give a final answer. Or, to put it more bluntly: Keep them waiting until they go broke, give up, move on, lose interest, or die. Whether you win money is not the point; coming out of your ordeal with a sense of humor, good will and health are paramount. So, since there’s a strong chance you, too, are the victim of boondoggling, or will be in the future, let’s get started. Enjoy the challenge. It could save your sanity and life, just as it did mine. The secret is to practice this old adage: If you can’t fight them, join them. In other words, learn as much as you can about the Boondoggle Game and then use that knowledge to your own advantage. To be or not to be a Boondoggler? That is the question! This fun book by Wanda Sue Parrott just might help you win your fight with City Hall! Please allow 2 weeks for delivery after confirmation of order received. |
Golden Words |
![]() $ 15.00 USDNow Available! GOLDEN WORDS, the 19th volume in the Senior Poet Laureate series sponsored and produced by Wanda Sue Parrott. Orders include postage - please allow two weeks for delivery upon notice of of receipt of order payment. For more than three copy at a discounted rate, contact the publisher at |
Golden Words (20th edition - 2013) |
![]() $ 15 USDThis 20th edition (21st Anniversary) features the 2013 Senior Poets Laureate Poetry Competition Winners from across the country, including Biographical Sketches of Winners and Names of First-Round Finalists. This is the final edition of GOLDEN WORDS as produced by the creator and sponsor, Amy Kitchener's Angels Without Wings Fdn. Please allow two weeks for delivery after receipt of payment and confirmation of order. Contact the publisher for bulk-order or contributor's discount pricing at |
Gifts of the Great Spirit - Volume IV - LEGENDS |
![]() $ 13.00 USDThis edition of Gifts of the Great Spirit features the winners of the 2013 White Buffalo Native American Poet Laureate poetry contest. Orders from Great Spirit Publishing include postage and handling; please allow two weeks for delivery after order receipt confirmation. For bulk orders or contributor's pricing information, contact the publisher at |
Gifts of the Great Spirit - Volume III |
![]() $ 15.00 USDTraditionally, the dream catcher has been a Native American symbol for safety and protection. The dream catcher is a beautiful and artistic ornament featuring a circle, intricate webbing, and leather or feathers hanging from the circle. It was placed above one’s bed and legend says the webbing would catch the bad dreams and not allow them to disturb the dreamer sleeping beneath the dream catcher.
Additionally, the winners in the 2012 White Buffalo Native American Poet Laureate poetry competition are featured, including the 2012 Native American Poet Laureate Neal "Badger Bob White" Whitman, and Buffalo Calf Award winners Dr. Charles A. Stone and Cindy Bechtold.
Join a growing tradition honoring the Great Spirit – be inspired by the Spirit of the White Buffalo in this unique collection of inspired writings!
Price includes shipping and handling; please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order/payment. |
Gifts of the Great Spirit - Volume II |
![]() $ 15.00 USDGifts of the Great Spirit, Vol. II, is packed full of interesting ideas, thought-provoking questions, heart-mending answers, and a lot more each time you re-read it. We encourage you to read with an open mind and perceive what the Great Spirit may be saying to you through these words. Inspiration comes in many forms; we find offering the literary challenge invites the Creative Muse to awaken and ponder, what if….? What if it happened this way? What if I looked at it that way? The Great Spirit knows no boundaries to the creation unfolding beneath its power. Great Spirit Publishing is proud to work with the Amy Kitchener Fdn./Wanda Sue Parrott, with assistance by Yvonne Londres, to bring you these unique poems and stories from over 45 writers. We don’t intend to prove any of them; we don’t have to. The Great Spirit has spoken, and the reader will have to be the judge as to what he or she is willing to entertain in the realms of possibility.
Price includes shipping and handling. Please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order.
Gifts of the Great Spirit - Volume I |
![]() $ 15.00 USDTribute to the "Unknown Namesake," an unidentified elderly Native American woman captured on photo-film in 1910 by photographer Edward S. Curtis (1868-1952). Curtis traveled North America in the late 19th and early 20th centuries preserving the end of the age of free indigenous life through still photography, recordings of languages, and books. While her name remains a mystery to us, we identify with her through the Great Spirit that unites all and honor her as an individual and as a representative of a lost way of life. Thus, the goal of this work is preservation of Native American customs, beliefs, teachings, languages and other facts through the poetry, song lyrics, fiction, and non-fiction contained herein. Additionally, the 2010 White Buffalo Native American Poet Laureate Winner Dr. Carl B. Reed and two White Buffalo Calf Award winners, Barbara Youngblood Carr and Dr. Charles A. Stone, are featured for their 2010 winning contributions. Price includes shipping and handling. Please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order. |
MIND According to Logos |
![]() $ 14 USDNow Available! In 1980, Irv Rosenberg made his first contact with Wanda Sue Parrott, and they have been corresponding ever since. Irv says: “I owe Wanda my gratitude for having introduced me to her Dialogues with Logos that continued over the years. Information from ‘Logos’ has expanded and enriched my experience and knowledge in the fields of psychology, physics, and the metaphysical realms. Many others, such as Eileen Garrett and Jane Roberts, first had to go into a self-hypnotic trance and lose consciousness in order to allow a higher entity to speak through them, while they themselves were unaware of what was going on. In Wanda's case, she is completely alert while engaging in mental conversation with her Logos entity. She proposes intelligent questions and meaningful responses to the information Logos provides, so particular answers to questions that I, Irving, have submitted, are given an intelligent and often remarkable response.” “Logos” says, “you and I are closer than you realize. I am like a being behind a door and you are like a being before the door. I am within, in communion with the Deep. You are outside, and cut off from communion with the Deep... "You may rest on this, and we shall proceed with discussion of particulars when you are again ready to knock, and the door will be opened, ask and you will receive, and as I have spoken to you, so may each seeker of light so receive when the child approaches the father (masculine) within and listens to the Voice, The Logos. "Many are called but few are chosen, for the simplest truth is: few choose to ask. Belabor yourself not with guilt and doubt, but rejoice, for you took the step. You knocked. Now, rest. Our body has work to be done." Please allow two weeks for delivery after order confirmation. Price includes shipping and handling. |
How to Build a Penny Pyramid |
![]() $ 15.00 USDby Wanda Sue Parrott Volume I in this Shortcuts to Success Series: Seed Coins in a Nutshell Based on John D. Rockefeller's money secrets (his secret prosperity system for planting one-cent seed coins and reaping $100 cash yields), Pythagorean geometry, and symbology of the Great Pyramid, this creative money management system is safe, easy, and legal. It never fails to work for those who work with it. It turns dull life into an adventure! This book would make a great gift for any occasion! Find out how you can get five or more copies at $10 each! Send us an e-mail to request detailed information about how you can receive five copies at the special price of $10 each (including shipping and handling) - you will get an e-mail response with ordering and payment instructions (this is an exclusive GSP offer). For details, e-mail Price includes shipping and handling; please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order. |
How to Enter - and WIN - Poetry Contests |
![]() $ 15.00 USDThis compact book is bursting with tips and techniques to help you become an award-winning contestant in poetry contests. Includes grammar and formatting advice, poetry forms, examples, and more from award-winning poet, writer, and journalist Wanda Sue Parrott, sharing secrets gleaned from 50-years of writing and teaching-writing experience. Perry Terrell, Editor/Owner of Conceit Magazine in San Francisco, CA, says, "Wanda Sue Parrott has captured every literary avenue available for writers to enter poetry contests with confidence of winning. This publication is of quality and a poetic creation that is both enjoyable and educational to read." Price includes shipping and handling. Please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order. |
Spirit Dancer |
![]() $ 15.00 USDA Collection of Spirit-Inspired writings including articles and poetry created to celebrate the Spirit that Dances in All of Us. The following writers have contributed to this inspiring collection: Elizabeth Bottorff, Rev. J. Douglas Bottorff, The Late Clara R. Hawes, Lou Houston, Dwane Koppler, Joyce O’Neal, Wanda Sue Parrott, Ronald D. Phelps, D.C., Barbara Callahan Quin, The Late Aurora Rosci, Conetta Taylor, The Late Robert Taylor, and The Late Ben Tindall
Price includes shipping and handling. Please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order. |
The Last Indian on the Trail of Tears |
![]() $ 15.00 USDRevised Edition of Springfield Soliloquy – The Trail of Tears – Missouri: Introducing the Spirits of Five Osage Hunters and The Grand Father
Wanda Sue Parrott believes this poem, which netted her $91,000, is the highest-paid single piece of poetry by any living poet throughout civilization's history, including Shakespeare. It is so controversial that the author, unable to get a literary review, threatened to sue city hall in order to gain publicity. She read the poem at literary conventions, in libraries, and on street corners.
Set in the heart of lands which temporarily housed various Native American tribes as they were pushed west during the land expansion of the early 1800s, this updated version of the book reveals for the first time how seven male Native Americans from different tribes appeared in spirit form and helped Wanda Sue Parrott build and win her matter. This is a public-service pot boiler in which the antagonist is the home site where Cherokee Indians may have camped during the federally mandated relocation (genocide) of 1838-39, when the Trail of Tears passed through Missouri en route to the so-called "Nations" in Oklahoma. The appearance of an Unknown Indian poet's spirit, and Wanda Sue's revelation she had a Chickasaw ancestor, make this poetry book a living literary marker along the historic route on which Wanda Sue Parrott is known literally and literarily as "The Last Indian on The Trail of Tears." Her active one-woman stand against city hall, which began in August 2000, ended with acquisition of her house by the City of Springfield on February 2, 2009. Price includes shipping and handling. Please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order. |
my little book of blessings and prayers |
![]() $ 15.00 USDA resource to help you capture blessings and grace in your life, to record special prayers and thanksgivings. Room for two months-plus journaling. Price includes shipping and handling; please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order. |
A White Soaring Bird |
![]() $ 9.00 USDGrandmother teaches the village children about life through stories. One story is about LittleCrow WalkingEagle who longed to soar high in the sky, but she was afraid. The Great Spirit, disguised as True Heart, spoke to her in a dream. Did LittleCrow WalkingEagle learn to release her fear? Did she ever learn to fly?
Price includes shipping and handling; please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order.
A Valentine for Carole |
![]() $ 9.00 USDCarole Payne has led a life devoid of love, always standing outside, looking in at the love her heart yearned for. She watched others fall in love and follow their dreams, telling herself she was better off without loving relationships in her life. Then one night, Carole takes a journey to a place of magic - a place that will challenge her beliefs to the very core, but is it real or was it all a dream? Will it be enough to change her outlook on life and love forever? Will she be strong enough to face the truth about her own opinions and beliefs about love? Can she get past the hurt of the past and find her way to embrace love available to her now and in the future?
Please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order.
(price includes shipping and handling) |
The Stream of Well-Being Flows Through Me |
![]() $ 12.00 USDInspirations to help you get in the Flow of your Spiritual Good. This beautiful full-color interior, full-size journal has plenty of space for you to write your affirmations and dreams as you reclaim your Wholeness in Spirit. Price includes shipping and handling; please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order. |
Appreciating Life Brings Peace and Happiness |
![]() $ 2.00 USDAchieving more appreciation in your life will help you experience greater calm, more unconditional love, and an enriched sense of contentment in your life almost immediately. The prosperity and other blessings that come along the way are just icing on the cake! e-book in PDF format |
Keeping the Faith |
![]() $ 2.00 USDPeople have to have hope. Hope is something that dwells within us - it cannot die. But it can be buried and ignored until you think it doesn't exist. Keep your faith alive by keeping hope alive in your life. e-book in PDF format. |
Where's Your Focus? |
![]() $ 2.00 USDWe can be a light unto each other - lighting the path for our brothers and sisters on Planet Earth when their own paths are darkened for a while. The only thing permanent in life is change and the more willingly we accept that - like the yielding branch of the willow tree to the breeze - the more gracefully we will be able to move through life. e-book in PDF format. |
101 Affirmations to Help Heal and Change Your Life Now! |
![]() $ 0.00 USDInstructions on how to use affirmations to help heal and change your life - 101 pre-written affirmations you can use - or use them as guides to create your own. This is a FREE resource - available upon request to the publisher at greatspiritpublishing |
Healing for My Whole Life |
![]() $ 5.00 USDPrintable full-size e-book resource based upon six-week class/workshop presented by the author. Use the worksheets to identify where blocks may be in your life keeping you from your desires, and then rewrite your life by identifying what you want to experience. |
my little book of blessings |
![]() $ 0.00 USDThis is a FREE e-book resource based upon the scriptures, quotes, and inspirations contained in the companion journal, my little book of blessings and prayers.
Available upon request to the publisher at greatspirit |
Howler's Nose Knows |
![]() $ 12.95 USD
Join Howler as he follows his nose to solve a mystery! Using his keen sense of smell, Howler follows clues through the forest, sniffing, sniffing, sniffing, until he finds his target! Then he journeys home to show off his prize, much to the delight and relief of his Human Momma! Come along with Howler, whose nose knows how to seek out special scents and save the day! Story and illustrations by Moe Paccione.
Bones Finds a Home |
![]() $ 12.95 USD
This delightful story and illustrations by Maureen “Moe” Paccione tells the story of how an abused and neglected dog named Bones was rescued and found his forever home.
Please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmation of order payment received.
Playing Possum |
![]() $ 12.95 USD
Emery L. Campbell creates poetic magic in this charming children’s story translated from the 19th century Latin-English poem, “Carmen Possum.” Two boys and their hound dog go hunting through a snowy landscape to catch a possum prize—but they are not prepared for the trick played on them by this crafty little marsupial. "Playing Possum" is adorably illustrated with original artwork by Maureen “Moe” Paccione.
Please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmation of order payment received.
Shadows of Remembrance |
![]() $ 12 USD
The lives of six people are woven together in a web of obsession and deception. Battered, soft-spoken Jane longs to be free from her abusive past and believes she has found the love of her life in Brandon. At the same time, Crista is also in love with Brandon until she discovers an unforgivable liaison. Tragedy brings changes to all their lives, giving Crista’s father Frank despairing hope for his daughter. Jane befriends Jack, an amnesiac who wakes up from a coma, but something is not right. Roger watches all from afar and calculates the day he will get what he wants, while Crista seeks true love with handsome Dr. Kevin.
In an attempt to claim Roger’s long-cherished love, expose the lies, deception, and dispel the shadows, these six people are brought together in a climactic end that will reveal the truth at last, but will any of them survive?
A Cruise Between |
![]() $ 14 USD
The sun in the Caribbean was warm as the Green Duchess set sail on a leisurely cruise from the Port of Ft. Lauderdale to the Port of Los Angeles. The Duchess would sail south over the Atlantic Ocean, float through the docks of the Panama Canal between the two Americas, then northward over the Pacific Ocean. On board, her diligently trained international crew served and entertained her passengers. As Jessie and Joe boarded the Duchess, they looked forward to a trouble-free vacation. Jessie intended to use the sea days to outline her mystery novel. How could she know, as she gathered data for her work of fiction, that a real conspiracy would take place and that the Duchess would lose a passenger while at sea? Conspiracy, murder, human trafficking, drug dealing and sweet romance are all part of this fast moving novel. Don't miss this sailing!
Loki and Simba |
![]() $ 15 USD
Everything is the result of Cause and Effect. The Cause: In the early 1900s, a man is accused of murdering another man for killing a wolf. The accused man responds, "No, I did not murder a man who was about to kill a wolf, I killed a man who was about to murder a wolf... an entire family of them." The heinous climax of the ensuing trial sets the stage for The Effect manifesting itself some eighty years later in horrendously grisly murders throughout the Northeast. A parapsychologist and a cop, with the help of a handwritten log dating back to the time of the infamous trial, painstakingly unravel the mystery and in the process come to fully comprehend that "when you dance with the devil, you don't get to lead."
Vignettes from Life |
![]() $ 13 USD
The themes cover remembered experiences from childhood, youth, and adulthood, observations regarding humanity, and ruminations on various other matters.
Ruth L. Weiss Hohberg was born in Krakow, Poland. She came to the United States after WWII as a twelve-year-old having been taken a political prisoner by the Soviets and transported, along with her parents, to Siberia in 1940. Eventually, the family made their way to Central Asia. When the war ended, they were repatriated to Poland. Ruth was educated in New York City, where she studied art and later earned a degree in Social Work. She began to write her autobiographical and non-fiction work when she moved to San Diego, California, in 2000, where she lives, paints, and writes. Ruth is the author of Getting Here: An Odyssey Through World War II, A Girl from Bielsko: Ruth’s Story, and Witness and Survivor, all available on Amazon.
Diarma |
![]() $ 15 USD
On the surface, Alexander Christos is a seemingly upwardly mobile young professional rapidly approaching middle age. But scratch beneath the surface and what is exposed is a soul that is emotionally, mentally, and spiritually burnt to a crisp. He’s done. And he wants out… all the way out. But then, in the very process of fashioning his own demise, something intervenes. That “Something” is about to breathe new life – and death – into him. Lured to the Island of Diarma, Christos believes it a near-Utopian advanced living state. But it proves to be no Utopia at all; rather, an arena that employs a methodology that is at once brutal, merciless, and magnificent. In the spirit of John Fowles’ The Magus, Michael Staley’s Diarma will take you on a trip that will stretch the bounds of your imagination. In the process, it lays out a very interesting and feasible blueprint for mankind’s “Next Step.” Reality… is a Place, a state of mind in which you live, thrive, and grow…
Letters to Iceland |
![]() $ 15 USD
Kris grew up in the tiny fishing village, Siglufjörður, on Iceland´s north fjords where Mamma ran a pool hall and raised eight daughter and a very spoiled son. Daily visitors at her house told fortunes and ghost stories for entertainment. The family was forced to flee to the south coast of the island after the herring was depleted and no one could afford to play pool or gather in the family kitchen to tell ghost stories and tell fortunes. Some of the sisters ventured further south, to America, where Kris began her career as a motel maid, then journied up the career ladder across eight states and so many universities.
Journal of Destiny |
![]() $ 15 USD
As a young mother lies dying, her lifeblood draining away from an arrow in her side, she scribbles in her journal what happened to their wagon train. The last page of the journal sets in motion the future of her baby daughter, who was stolen away during the devastating raid. The baby, Olivia, given the Indian name Pale Moon, was the only survivor of the raid; nurtured by her Indian family, she thrives. One day, a man comes riding into the campground searching for a child he had read about in an old journal. The writer pleaded with whoever read the journal to find her baby and return the child to her grandparents in Boston. Eventually, Pale Moon leaves with him to live and learn in the white man's world. She becomes Olivia again, and throughout her lifetime remains loyal to her first family and their plight.
Witness and Survivor |
![]() $ 12.99 USD
Jacob “Izzy” Rabinowitz is a partner with his brothers in a successful textile firm, Feivel Rabinowitz and Sons, founded in the late 19th century in Bielitz (Bielsko), a city in Southwestern Poland.
With the advent of WWII, Jacob and his family try to flee, but are intercepted and transported to Kazakhstan. With cleverness and some luck, they survive the hardships and ultimately return to the starting point after the war with the ambition to go to Palestine. Working their way through many difficulties, they reach their goal in time to see the State of Israel born.
The turns in the path to survival are many; Izzy tells the tale in an accessible, conversational way that makes one want to find out more.
The translator, Ruth L. Hohberg, is a grandniece of Izzy; she met him in Jerusalem in 1954. His notebooks came into her possession in the late 1990s.
A Series of Adjustments |
![]() $ 16 USD
Intelligent, illegitimate, a young boy named Hank overcomes challenges as he blossoms under the guidance of his adoptive, single mother, and ultimately defends her honor while discovering the love of his life.
Please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmation of order payment received
Rattles |
![]() $ 15 USD
Adventure, adversity, and antiquities confront Emily who lives in the American Southwest with a family dominated by a mean stepfather but loving mother. Emily has a fine intellect and willingness to fight for her rights, but can she thrive against such hard odds? Or will she find that discovered treasures contain hidden dangers?
Please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmation of order payment received.
Heaven on 9/11 |
![]() $ 12 USD
Jesus, Mohammad and other historic figures including Caesar, Charlemagne, Cleopatra, Machiavelli, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Herodotus, Thucydides, Suleyman I, Saladin, Mother Teresa, Eleanor Roosevelt, John Muir and Constantine review the atrocity.
William (Wm.) Walter Foskett, a resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, graduated with a Bachelors in Criminology from the University of California at Berkeley, a Masters Degree in Public Administration and a Juris Doctor, both from John F. Kennedy University. He also spent two years at San Francisco State University where he studied film and cinema. William worked for the Oakland Police Department for twenty years and retired as a Lieutenant of Police before becoming an investigator for the Alameda County Public Defender's Office. He and his wife Jean have been involved in cattle ranching and land development. They enjoy short trips, exercising, good food, and wine.
In addition to Heaven on 9/11, William is the author of A Series of Adjustments and Rattles; he is working on his fourth novel. He has also written eight screen plays, a TV script, and short stories.
Please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmation of order received.
Dear Jude |
![]() $ 14 USD
It’s the 1960s. Jessie has always dreamed of traveling. Her adventures take her to San Francisco where the Beatles have “invaded” and civil rights are front page news. Jessie loves her new home in the City by the Bay and has the dream of finding true love there. But everything is not as perfect as it seems...
Dear Jude is the debut novel from Attorney-turned-Novelist Jeanne Marie Olin (and first fiction title from Great Spirit Publishing). Find out if Jessie becomes the next victim or finds the love of her life in this coming of age historical fiction story that will entertain and keep you guessing!
Please allow two weeks for delivery after order confirmation. Price includes shipping and handling.
Iron Lotus |
![]() $ 15 USD
This is an inspiring story of an Asian American woman who is an actress, television and festival producer, journalist, community leader, and the first and only Asian American to serve as Vice-President of the AFL-CIO. She has spent much of her life fighting for the rights of women of color and actors of color in the film, television, stage entertainment fields. She is proof that big things come in small packages!
Please allow two weeks for delivery after notice of order received. All purchases from this website include postage.
Too Close to the Sun |
![]() $ 18 USD
Too Close to the Sun tells the story of how a Dutch boy, Wim Diephof, becomes a man during World War II. He demonstrates through his participation in the Dutch resistance how a normal transition from teenage years to manhood turns out to be a daunting journey.
During the coldest winter in years, known as the Hunger Winter of Holland, Wim and his best friends face gnawing hunger and the perils of a world at war. As he makes courageous attempts to find food, and deal with his concerns for his family, Wim learns about forgiveness and sacrifice along the stormy path to adulthood.
Price includes shipping and handling; please allow two weeks for delivery after confirmed receipt of order.
Beyond an Album |
![]() $ 9.95 USD
This is a Dad’s intimate account of watching his daughter grow up. These short essays chronicle her development - mostly in her formative years - from Battle with Cheerios when she was seven months old, to her jubilant celebration of her acceptance to a university when she reached age 18. Undoubtedly, many of the episodes, such as her first step, her first words, her fist swim competition, are familiar experiences of most parents, but the contemporaneous and vivid descriptions will surely resonate with many of the parents, and particularly, the grandparents.
Going Places |
![]() $ 15 USD
Ruth Hohberg takes her readers on a trip around the world! Her personal experiences, coupled with her keen knowledge of art, culture, and life, will entertain and educate any armchair traveler, making you think you’re right there with her! Beginning with a three-city tour of Italy in 1984, continuing across Europe, Russia, Mexico, and culminating with a week in Costa Rica in 2011, and illustrated with many of Ruth’s own photographs, her journeys are filled with historical value, both ancient and modern. This travelogue memoir is a real treasure! Bon voyage!