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We hope you will visit and participate at these sites, with which Great Spirit Publishing has close affiliation and supports their missions and purposes.
Blog - http://barbaraquin.wordpress.com/ - this is a collection of thoughts, insights, and general musings on mostly spiritual topics, or how current experiences and viewpoints can be interpreted from a spiritual/metaphysical perspective.
Facebook - www.facebook.com/bquin - this area on Facebook is a place of encouragement, inspiration, and spiritual insight. There is only positive focus on this page - you will not find any doom or gloom! Plus, extra pages are devoted to Prayer, Gratitude, and news from Great Spirit Ministries, Great Spirit Publishing, and Great Spirit Creations.
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Writing Information,
Writing/Journaling Tips,
and More!
Additional Resources:
Great Spirit Ministries and Great Spirit Creations
AMY KITCHENER'S ANGELS WITHOUT WINGS FDN - www.amykitchenerfdn.org -
Wanda Sue Parrott, founder of the Amy Kitchener's Angels Without Wings Foundation, was born in Kansas City, Missouri, but was raised and educated in Southern California. She returned to Missouri in 1988, becoming active in the large community of writers living throughout the greater Ozarks Mountains area. Wanda returned to Monterey, California, in 2009, and continues with numerous writing projects in addition to tap-dancing with the Tap Bananas, a senior tap-dancing troupe.
Wanda is past president of Springfield Writers' Guild, honorary life member of Missouri State Poetry Society, and founder of the Springfield Writers Workshop which has been meeting weekly at branches of Springfield-Greene County Library since 1992. Wanda is a former investigative reporter and feature writer with the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, and syndicated feature writer with Ozarks Senior Living newspapers, in addition to being author of several books (available in our Book Store). She promotes poetry writing and various poetry contests through this site.
Find a complete list of Wanda's books published by Great Spirit Publishing and elsewhere under the "Wanda Sue Parrot+" tab above.
poetry contest and literary challenge -
The final White Buffalo Native American Poet Laureate poetry contest and Literary Challenge was co-sponsored with Amy Kitchener's Angels Without Wings Fdn.
View winners on the White Buffalo page. For the 2015 Senior Poet Laureate poetry contest, visit our Senior Poet Laureate sub-page under "Wanda Sue Parrott+" tab above.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~UNITY - www.unity.org
Unity is a way of life for millions of people who have learned that they are Spiritual Beings in this world. Unity's teachings are based upon practical Christianity and uses Jesus as the Way-Shower.
Copyright 2011 - 2025 Great Spirit Publishing and Barbara Callahan Quin
All Rights Reserved.